Pharmacy Research and Thesi Writing 2
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Pharmaceutical Toxicology
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Health Technology Assessment and Health Policy with Pharmacoeconomics
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Public Health Pharmacy (with Pharmacoepidemiology)
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacotherapeutics 2
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Legal Pharmacy and Ethics
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Pharmaceutical Marketing and Enterprenuership
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Social and Administrative Pharmacy
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.
Readings in Philippine History
  • Enrolled students: There are no students enrolled in this course.